Post Archives tagged ‘housing’

RE: Wired Cages

Posted on: June 26th, 2019 by
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Wired cages are not recommended for hedgehogs UNLESS it has been tinkered. Owners needs to add corrugated plastic starting from the base and up has to be at least 10 to 12 inches high of solid walls to avoid climbing issues. Why risk your pet to get hurt or injured or even get killed from neglect? These photos are borrowed from their respective owners to Continue reading the story "RE: Wired Cages"

Housing your Pet

Posted on: March 26th, 2010 by
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Hedgehogs are excellent climbers. They require a cage with no wires to climb on nor wires underneath that might get their feet/neck caught. If using a wired cage refer to this page: Wired Cages Hedgehogs do not like very big cages UNLESS you add a lot of hiding spot for them. They are prey animals so too big of a space Continue reading the story "Housing your Pet"