Dear friends, hedgehog lovers and customers:
Your patronage has been appreciated throughout the past decade and I’m excited about future opportunities to provide happy hogs to families such as yours, and assist you in providing for their care.
I will always treat breeding hedgehogs as a hobby. It is my personal love for them and the happiness it brings my customers that made Hedgehog Ville successful.
What was once simply a part-time hobby has evolved into my own business, and as such Hedgehog Ville is required to collect and remit government taxes.
The prices advertised on Hedgehog Ville are pre-tax.
HST is applicable to all services and purchases. For most of my customers, those of you from Ontario, this means the same 13% in taxes that apply to all non tax-exempt purchases. Taxes vary per province.
Thank you for your understanding. If it needs to be said, I share your frustration over taxes.
Tags: government, hedgehogs, HST, tax
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